News & Insights

Impact Principles' Signatories Join G7 Impact Taskforce

Signatories to the Impact Principles are well-represented on the recently announced G7 Impact Taskforce. This initiative will facilitate discussions and recommendations around impact transparency and explore ways to create financial instruments that can help deliver positive impact.




INVESTING FOR IMPACT : The Global Impact Investing Market 2020

IFC’s latest estimate of the global market for impact investments shows that $2.3 trillion were being invested for impact in 2020, of which $636 billion clearly have an impact management system in place, according to the report 'Investing for Impact: The Global Impact Investing Market 2020'.

The Social Impact Investment Sector - Perspectives and Priorities by Big Society Capital


Big Society Capital's 2021 market survey of impact investors, investees and intermediaries indicates social impact investment market has become more established over the last 2-3 years with increasing knowhow and confidence reported amongst those involved in the investment process. However, the research finds that the progress is matched by a majority view that significant difficulties persist.

Building a winning forest impact investment strategy - Blog by The ForestLink
Credits: The Forest Link


The ForestLink’s Building a winning forest impact investment strategy series discusses why you need to be strategic in how you measure, report and verify impact within your investment strategy – for credibility, business growth, and risk reduction, in a way that won’t strip profit from your bottom line.

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