Zurich Insurance shares their approach to impact measurement as a guide for others. To achieve that, having clear processes and guidelines in place to calculate the impact that defines this investment approach is essential.
Videos and Media
Growing Impact Report - Principle 9 - Case # 32: Nuveen
October 16, 2020
Principle 9 of the Impact Principles require signatories to publish an annual Disclosure Statement in which they describe how each Principle is incorporated into its investment process and the extent of its alignment with each Principle.
Videos and Media
Growing Impact Report - Principle 8 - Case #30
October 5, 2020
The Operating Principles for Impact Management aim to contribute positive social and environmental impact alongside financial returns.

Impact Principles Webinar Series, Episode 3: Impact Investing and Responsible Exits
October 1, 2020
Impact Principle #7 In Action
Videos and Media
Growing Impact Report - Principle 7 - Case #29: Denham International Power Fund
September 30, 2020
In a case study that highlights Principle 7 of the Impact Principles, Sabine Chalopin, Power and Renewables ESG & Impact Director, and Jasandra Nyker, Managing Director at Denham Capital Management, contribute insights into how the organization implements its exit strategy.